

It's sad to realize that we used to be so close; to people who never talked to us again, today. 

So I decided to back-up all of the files in my old lappy.
The irony part is there are so many pictures of me and my...friends; 
but now I forgot when exactly the last time we talked like a friend.
I am not a professional at this. To keep in touch. To make sure everything is fine.

And I am afraid about next year.
It's not just about different class or different corridor.
It's about the college and also the city.
Maybe, in the end the only friend I have is myself.

"Tahun depan, gak bisa gini lagi nih."- in my superlate birthday surprise.
Bisa. Harus bisa. Gak mau tau. Pokoknya bisa. 

"Eh, gua baru sadar, notification LINE dari lu gua off-in"
"Pasti karena dulu tiap hari chat ya?"
"Iya.... Sekarang engga lagi ya."

Sorry, maybe it's because I don't feel like belong to anyone in class, hehe.

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